About Dr. Oliver Degnan

Oliver is a career executive leader passionate about technology innovation, entrepreneurship, and business strategy. He holds technology patents for breakthrough inventions cited by Fortune 50 companies, such as Apple, Google, and Intuit in Silicon Valley.

Over the past 20 years, Oliver led more than 1,600 employees worldwide to disrupt the status quo in healthcare innovation to help prevent physician burnout and improve people's health. He founded several businesses in Germany and the United States with successful multi-million-dollar exits.

Oliver coaches and mentors CIOs, CTOs, and startup CEOs worldwide to reach their fullest potential in their careers and lives. He draws from his work in the trenches as CIO/CTO and Startup CEO and his scientific research during his doctoral studies at the University of Wisconsin.

Dr. Oliver Degnan published research articles on AI culture and innovation with Berkley University and is the author of “System for Ultra Productivity,” a self-help and corporate workshop book that teaches readers how to boost their productivity to new heights without risking burnout. The book is based on Oliver’s own journey and experience from climbing the corporate ladder from a software developer to Chief Information Officer and CEO.

It’s time to join the elite and manage your career proactively.

Leaders that don’t burn out are more effective.

At Dr. Oliver Degnan & Team, we are on a mission to solve what we believe is the biggest problem of leadership failure. Lack of strategic clarity and system thinking, too many commitments at once, and inadequate team management lead to poor relationships with customers, supervisors, and executive peers.

Most people leave their careers to the sheer luck of being found by an employer. It’s a gamble and a waiting game for most. We focus our efforts on purposeful and strategic career management to achieve the exact outcome desired without jeopardizing health and happiness along the way.

Our Commitment: By 2028, we will have inspired 100 million people worldwide to enjoy a better life and career experience.

What We Value

At Dr. Oliver Degnan & Team, we strive for purpose and meaning in everything we do with our time on this planet. We are all about LAP—Learn, Achieve, and Purpose.
Life is a marathon that nobody has to embark on alone. Team up!


Life is a journey of learning. Learning new skills is a gift that shapes our worldview and perceptions of people and things around us every day. We are committed to a life of new knowledge along the way to helping others follow us in our footsteps boldly and without fear of failure.


Personal and professional achievement is the essence of living a fulfilled life. It is the foundation of being able to give back to others along the way of our success. Achievement is a value-based outcome and is carefully planned and executed. We recognize that achievements are personal and must provide a meaningful experience in order to be of high value.


We don’t live our lives from eight to five. Only purpose of what we decide to do will yield the benefits of a successful and sustainable outcome. Without purpose, life is meaningless and empty. So, we find purpose in everything we plan on doing. Purpose is the prerequisite for others to follow us and allow us to lead them to greater meaning and happiness.

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